Here are some examples of work undertaken by Cutting Lines Limited.

Fireplace Feature Wall
Pink Wall External
Feature Wall Feature Wall
Feature Wall Fireplace
Feature Wall Feature Wall
Feature Wall Feature Wall
Papered Feature Walls
Feature Wall Feature Wall
Painted Kitchen Units Oak Framed Buildings
Feature Wall Feature Wall
Specialist Wall Art Mural
Specialist wall art mural paper hanging Avengers Thor Hulk Iron Man Captain America Marvel
Baby Nursery, Walls, skirting and Ceiling - Basingstoke
Baby Nursery Blue Decorate Decorated Painted Cot White Baby Nursery Blue Nautical
Managed Office Building, Walls, Ceiling, Doors and Skirting - Chineham, Basingstoke
Decorated Office Chineham
Managed Office Building, Exterior Woodwork - Chineham, Basingstoke
Office Painted Woodwork Chineham Office Painted Woodwork Chineham
Office Painted Woodwork Door Chineham